
Helpful Articles from Connect Chiropractic

5 Reasons Why My Joints Hurt

joint pain chiropractor melbourne

‘I’ve always been sporty and active. Is the pain in my joints just because I’m getting older?’

As a Chiropractor, I’m asked this question a lot! My answer is, ‘Not necessarily, no.’

Joint pain is extremely prevalent

In a recent national survey, about one-third of adults reported experiencing joint pain in the previous 30 days. Knee pain was the most common complaint, followed by shoulder and hip pain. But joint pain can affect any part of your body, from your ankles and feet to your wrists and hands.

Painful and inflamed joints occur for many reasons

While age may play a role in some conditions, it is possible to keep your joints mobile, happy, and pain-free, even as we mature. Illness, injury, diet, and other considerations can all lead to mild to severe joint pain, stiffness, inflammation, and general discomfort. Pain may even be caused by a combination of many contributing factors like posture (sitting all day at work) and repetitive body movements (physical/manual labour).

The good news is that you can take action to help reduce pain and inflammation. Sometimes, joint pain can even be entirely reversed. Taking care of your joints will help you to be active and healthy so you can get the most out of your life – now and for years to come. 


Here are five common causes of joint pain and tips on how you can reduce or eliminate your pain naturally through Chiropractic care and simple lifestyle changes.


The two most well-known types of arthritis are:

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
  • Osteoarthritis (OA)

The prefix ‘arthro or arthr’ refers to ‘joints’; the suffix ‘itis’ means ‘inflammation’.

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)

RA is an autoimmune condition. For reasons unknown, in autoimmune conditions the body attacks its own tissue – in RA your body attacks your joints.

You can reduce the likelihood of RA or decrease the incidence of flare ups by:

  • Physical Activity: Being physically active strengthens your muscles and keeps your joints flexible. It can also protect your joints from further damage. Regular exercise has been found to improve sleep quality, which is especially helpful if your Rheumatoid Arthritis makes it difficult to sleep. Your chiropractor can advise you about physical activities that are a good fit for you. Your chiropractor can advise you about physical activities that are a good fit for you.

  • An Anti-inflammatory Diet: Eating anti-inflammatory foods (such as salmon and other fatty fish) as part of a healthy diet reduces the symptoms and progression of RA, and decreases joint damage.
  • Use heat or cold therapy: Warm baths, showers, and heat-packs can help ease any pain and stiffness you experience. When symptoms flare, it’s advisable to use cold packs to numb the pain and reduce inflammation.

Osteoarthritis (OA)

OA is the condition where cartilage (a connective tissue in your joints) breaks down. Mostly due to wear and tear, losing the cartilage creates changes to the bone that cause aches, swelling, and inflammation.

Similarly with RA, following an anti-inflammatory diet and incorporating exercise into your daily routine are two lifestyle changes that will benefit your joints, reduce inflammation, and get you back to the activities you enjoy. 

Managing Rheumatoid Arthritis with Dietary Interventions details clinical reviews of various dietary interventions in RA.

How Chiropractic can assist Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis

According to the Arthritis Foundation,

‘The most effective non-drug treatment for reducing pain and improving movement in osteoarthritis is exercise.’

But exercising is tough when you are in a lot of pain. If your joints didn’t hurt as much, you it would be much easier to move more, right? That’s where a Chiropractor can help. Our knowledge and experience can provide natural therapeutic treatment and advice for individually-appropriate exercise and nutrition that can get you moving and feeling better.


The club’s star netballer is out with an ACL injury. Another player is out with a meniscus tear.’ Sound familiar?

Sports, dance, and accidents often cause soft tissue and/or bone injuries, which are a common cause of joint pain. The resultant immobility, inability to play your favourite sport, or enjoy your normal level of activity can also lead to weight gain and depression. If you find yourself out of action with a soft tissue injury or a fracture, there are steps you can take to aid your physical recovery and support your mental health.

Your Chiropractor can provide specialised treatment and nutritional advice that can:

  • reduce recovery time
  • assist your rehab program
  • help you work around your injury

Working with you, they will determine exactly what your body needs to repair and recover in the shortest amount of time.


Food allergies and sensitivities can lead to all sorts of pain and discomfort in the body and joints. For example, if people with Coeliac Disease ingest gluten, they may experience inflammation that affects their joints and mobility while their bodies recover.

The following foods may contribute to joint pain:

  • Highly processed and pre-packaged foods that contain preservatives
  • Red meat that contains a high amount of saturated fats
  • Food high in sugar and processed sugar trigger the release of cytokines – inflammatory messengers that contribute to inflammation and swelling of your joints
  • Purine-rich foods such as bacon, beef, offal, mutton, and some seafood (prawns, shrimp, sardines, herring, mussels) may cause episodes of Gout
  • Refined carbohydrates such as white flour products, white rice, and potatoes that have been processed or refined, contribute to weight gain that creates additional stress on your joints
  • Alcohol – studies have shown that people who drink alcohol have a higher risk of developing Rheumatoid Arthritis than those who abstain. Alcohol also has a high purine content, which may cause an episode of Gout.

If you experience dietary-induced inflammation, your Chiropractor can help you relieve the symptoms and offer gentle advice on how to reduce flare-ups.

Weight Gain

As little as five kilos of extra weight can contribute to joint pain by increasing pressure on your weight-bearing joints like hips and knees. Eating a clean, healthy diet and participating in regular exercise will help your overall physical and mental well-being.

Low Hydration

Your body is comprised of 75-80% water. Without proper hydration, your joints do not stay properly lubricated which can result in pain, discomfort, and dysfunction.

Ensure you drink the recommended amount of water every day to keep your joints moving smoothly.

There are many reasons you may suffer from joint pain. The right diagnosis, care, treatment, and management can have an enormous positive effect on any re-occurring symptoms.

If you’re experiencing joint pain, call Connect Chiropractic today! Our experienced Chiropractors will help you on your way to a less painful, more active and fulfilling lifestyle.

Dr Nicole Hudson

Principal Chiropractor | Connect Chiropractic

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