
Helpful Articles from Connect Chiropractic

Tips to help your COVID-19 Anxiety

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The current global Coronavirus pandemic has caused a lot of chaos and fear. Uncertainty and a lack of control have lead to people feeling anxious, stressed and depressed.

We have collated some tips to try and help you retain some Zen during this difficult time:

Practice social distancing but not social isolation – With stringent lockdown rules continuing to be put into place, most of us are now confined to our homes. However, this does not have to mean total isolation. Luckily with the advancement in technology we now have apps and programs that allow us to stay in touch with family and friends – you can organize online catch-ups, send emails and call our loved ones. People have gotten creative and have even gone as far as organizing virtual dinner parties, dance parties and game nights all via the Internet.

Keep to a routine – Try and maintain structure in your day as much as possible. Keep to a routine that is compatible to you (and your family’s) current work/study situation. Setting schedules for activities, breaks, meal times and bed times can keep everyone on track. Setting daily goals can also keep you motivated.

Eat well and sleep well – We all know by now that eating healthy keeps us well. Incorporate a variety of fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, legumes and nuts into your diet where possible. Remember to minimize your intake of foods that are high in processed sugars and saturated fats.

It’s also important to get a good night’s sleep everyday. Sleep allows your body to heal and is vital for proper immune function.

Stay active – Where possible set aside time each day to get active. It might require some creative thinking but find a safe way to get stretching and moving. There are YouTube channels dedicated to yoga and Pilates that may be an option if you cannot venture outside.

*Please consult with your Chiropractor or health professional before undertaking exercise outside of your normal routine.

Time out! – Find some time during your day to meditate or do an activity that you find relaxing and/or makes you happy. Restrict yourself from going down the negative rabbit hole of reading distressing news articles and social media posts that may heighten your anxiety levels. Try and maintain a balanced perspective where possible and access information from credible websites and sources.

Seek help from a health professional if you are feeling overwhelmed. Please don’t suffer in silence and know that there is always support out there. Please remember it’s normal to feel some anxiety and stress during this time – it’s not a sign of weakness and you are not alone!

Phone and online support services are available if you need:

Lifeline: 13 11 44

Beyond blue: 1300 22 4636

Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800

Parentline: 13 22 89

GriefLine: 1300 845 745

Dr Nicole Hudson

Principal Chiropractor | Connect Chiropractic

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